A very very very very very very very good morning :> hewwwww. So these past few days I've been continuously going out with different people yet the same old ones and they were you guys HAH. Okay my mother and brother too. Supposedly the day would have started with Tuesday but then it's Wednesday. Even though Irfan cancelled our outing due to family matters on that day, I went out with Yana and Aina. Sarah happened to have school and she could not skip it so I didn't get to meet her. InsyaAllah soon! btw my mum said "takkan everytime you balik wajib kena jumpa each and every one of them?" and that gave me a thought that I sendiri pun jarang gila nak dapat jumpa Arina to be compared with the rest. yeah mama's right but at least I wanna meet Sarah this cuti sem cuz I've met others. Anyways, we watched The Last Witch Hunter so yippie scratched that off my to-watch list! We also went to TS for late lunch a.k.a I hadn't eaten yet since we arrived at KLCC for the movie because we literally got in time for the movie. Of course being Nur Athirah binti Hamzah, I certainly cannot enter the cinema later even though the ads are rolling. I just need to be in there. Thus I went in alone while them two bought lunch to bring into the cinema illegally. So finally I tried the Boat Noodle; it was okay I guess? Or maybe it's just me?? I don't know but in my opinion, the food is normal. Not much wow as I thought. Macam makan laksa gak ah. During that time we had already made our decision to not attend to Segi's event. Things happened; tapi time tu pulaklah kawan Yana tu berperangai. Sigh. But anyways we went driving around KL in the night. Next day Thursday, I headed out to Nu Sentral to meet up with Arina! Like F I N A L L Y jumpa jugak bestie sorang lagi. Wish we could hang out more longer but we have our curfews. Watched another movie, The Walk! It's based on a true story!! Dayuummm the only thing we kept fussing about was the hero not leaving the wire KSDFNALINIJNJFKDNN it's frustrating and mental-killing to watch him XDDD Ouh and there's this couple beside us... tak reti silent phone lepastu bila phone tu bunyi TAK RETI NAK TUTUP. BIAR PLAY JE. YA RABBI SABAQ JE NAA~ Tak boleh belah, lagu Sistar Touch My Body. Serious dorang biar je lagu tu main sampaiiiiiii nak habis. Bila kiteorg start buat bunyi annoyed bagai baru terhegeh nak tutup *flips table* Arina and I had some good catching up time. We also went ahead and immersed ourselves into lipsticks hahaha. I am seriously in love with NYX Amsterdam and Marc Jacobs All The Way; I am looking forward to NYX Antwerp! Tapi opcos harganya hanya mampu buat kami tersenyum. :> Friday, went to Times Square with Boy and Mama to watch Love, Supermoon! Huhuhuhhuhuuhuh FARID KAMIL BAPAK HANDSOME. sighsighsighsighsigh too attractive. We had our dinner at Sopoong before watching the movie. As for today a.k.a yesterday a.k.a few hours ago was Saturday, I was on an errand to find a tailor for my front office's scarf; it's for next semester. This one pun, some things happened and am so lazy to go into details. Let's just say things didn't go so well but on the brighter side I got 2 new pairs of shoes! Sogo was having a huge sale as usual. Thanks mama. Really appreciate it. Ever since abah sold alza, so much money you spent to get us home. Rasa bersalah gila watching you taking out your money to pay for everything. I'm grateful and thankful.
So, for today, a.k.a Sunday, mama and I are going to fatten up ourselves. We're going to meet our relative that's good in desserts and just simple enjoy her food. PAVLOVA KADFKAJKFDSHAJ NUTTELA CHEESE TART ADKJJNKDFNAJFNKJDNJAK
It's going to get hectic this week. By Thursday I must already have the cloth for the scarf and meetup with Ayeen on Friday to pass it. So it also means another outing! Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Saturday tu dah gi holiday kat Gambang Waterpark Resort! Result final pun nak dekat. Last night I dreamed of failing 3 to 4 subjects. Semester 4 sounds scary. Practical is nearing. Not to mention, MUET. Final year. gosh. Seriously pray for me to not fail a single subject. I just couldn't bear. Bonne nuit!
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