A very early good morning dear people. Ahahha I was just finish watching Istanbul Aku Datang and it came to the thought on how I want this blog to be a tad more active than before. Still in consideration, but as YouTube is growing to be one of the highlights in the internet of youngsters starting 'something'. Along the way me and my girls' dream were no different thus Peaches Theory was born. But as time flies, I realize that I still feel odd with this method. It's awkward. Especially if I were to film alone and do the talking lol. Sometimes I would call myself fake as I watch the videos. I cringed at my own voice and my behavior hahaha! So, the thought was to be updating maybe weekly 'vlogs' here! What I mean is more to typing than vlogging! Of course I'm onto the outings and special dates at this blog already. Another idea is to still film but post em here. Might wanna unlist em' at yt and just share the links here! Oh and, I do enjoy typing ehehe so it's a plus! Even so, I'm still inspired by Aisyah Mustapha's and Aina's blogs x) Hope I'll be able to achieve what I'm planning to do huhu. Good night!

November 28, 2016
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