Now, here comes the part for I will try my best not to be exaggerated while typing this. The Red Bullet Episode II. D-DAY!! Spent time with my girls for 3 days. Through going all sorts of hardships, I am so lazy to write up what happened. Okay insyaAllah rajin. Lemme just post some pictures.
First day, I have packed my bags a few days before the first day so I was all ready for that. I just woke up and all, did some chores i think and then originally, Aina would pick me and Sarah up and we would all go and crush in Yana's crib; plans changed, Yana picked me up while Aina picked Sarah's up. So while waiting for the other two, me and Yana jammed into songs and OF COURSE ITS BANGTAN'S SONGS AHAHAHA LITERALLY FEELING THEIR VIBES *dope song playing in ma head* ok you know what? to be more motivated to finishing this post IMMA PLAY BANGTAN'S SONG OK- *plays* Excuse me there for a moment. *melt into Suga's dEEp voice* *ya know its the intro* *GODDAMMIT AH~* *SULMUSHO HAAIPPPP* *WHAt aM IM dOinG WIth MY LAifE*
OKAY OKAY continue; It's been almost a month since TRB so my apologies if I have left and forgotten some parts of my life but some time later the girls arrived and the house has never been so loud with just only us 4 around. Allahhuakhbar X'DD We decided to spent some time together at KLCC. Of course if its with these girls its make ups hahaha. Yana then lost her phone for a few minutes gosh I still remember we were all rushing back towards Parkson and found it. Thankfully the workers kept it. Yana swore she wouldn't even slept at the hotel and even go anywhere. Not even TRB itself if she lost her phone. Alhamdulillah all went well. As we were lining up at Maybank's cash deposit machine, we encountered with ArcticQid and some other well known viners. Tbvh I jumped a bit there lol but not into them so much. Just like their funny vids. Anyways, Yana received a phone call from Ieya. Seemed like she was in KLCC as well and Yana left to see her meanwhile me and Aina stayed with Sarah. After we're done we went to see Yana and Ieya but to our surprise, there were also Bella, Tasha, and Syafiqah Irdina! Well to be very honest I was really excited because there's Bella and Tasha. We used to be soooo close. But I guess I'm okay with the other two. So yeah. WE WERE LOUD AHAHAHAHAAHA IT WAS LITERALLY FUNNY BECAUSE MAINLY OUR LITTLE LOUD MEETING WAS IN FRONT OF MAYBANK AHAHAHA. After we snap some wefies, me and my girls left for KLIA. Roadtripppp~ We jammed to countless songs of both korean and english but of course BANGTAN WAS THE HIGHLIGHT.

When we arrived, the first thing I was surprised to see were the amount of people. Crowded? Seriously, no. Not to me of course. So I felt something's wrong there, I was only afraid we waited at the wrong place. Pushing that aside we went to fill our tummies and waited for a looooong time. We even had our plans it was so legit. HAHAHAHA. The arrival time was nearing and a lot of people started showing up. I can still remember our excitement of every-minute-counts haahaha. Since me and Yana will be attending TRB we decided to leave for Aina's car while Aina and Sarah could see them boys. Thus we both left when last minutes of BTS to land. We waited for a long time in the car outside the airport at the entrance of Arrival gate. Alas, my doubts came to reality, they didn't showed up yet the pictures kept coming in. Not only that but I noticed the amount of crowd in the pictures appeared to be in a whole lot difference. It was very crowded and even the surroundings were different. They showed up at Departure gate IT WAS SO FREAKING STRESSING. Sad too. I mean me and Yana felt really really bad towards the girls. After Aina and Sarah got into the car we turned around several times at the Department area but we were too late. They have left. On our way back home we filled our sorrows with sad songs that hits every time ahahahaha. We sang our hearts out. Emo gila. Reached Yana's crib - washed up - settled down; Yana and Aina slept on the bed while me and Sarah slept on a comforter/toto at the floor. We had some girl talks and confessions.
Second day, Bangtan's Hello Session! Of course sayalah muka budak bangun dulu huhuhuhuhuhuhu. We all got up and that day Bangtan released a japanese mv called For You and I swear the song is as good as SuJu's Snow White *hearts hearts* We got ready and went to DoubleTree for checking in. Now that's another pain-in-the-butt situation. Somehow. Nahhh don't wanna spoil my mood. We went up to our room and relaxed for only around a minute and leave for KWC. By that time, Sarah made the decision to join me and Yana sleeping at the hotel meanwhile Aina couldn't :(

Yana and I who got the tickets, we received our numbers for lining up which I see there's no effing purpose of doing so because in the end all of the people went in by random. What even. Anyways, I can definitely see the urge of Aina and Sarah wanted to come in too. I felt sad. I couldn't do a thing. I tried telling them to sneak in. Yana went in at VIP section. I was alone in CAT3 section. While I was just standing there, feeling half-happy half-sad for not getting the poster and for my girls, a pair of hands covered my eyes. Turned around and I saw Sarah and Aina! I was so happy that they sneaked in. TT-TT

I swear this is a beautiful photo IF NOT ONLY FOR THOSE FANBOARD URGH I COULD HAVE POSTED THIS IN INSTAGRAM. BISH-OK-NO-IRA-RAMADHAN. but just honestly LOOK! if only that fan board was down. Yes this was the moment they appeared right in front of my eyes. The excitement! I couldn't believe it. Suga, Rapmon, V, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, J-Hope... were RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES. *omgggg those feels came back!!!* Arghh I'm sure only us who attended events liddis could understand T_T Bear with meh. Nak nangis if I continue to remember its too much for me too handle I'm stopping here! After seeing them we rushed back to DoubleTree hotel hoping to catch a glimpse of them going into the hotel or something but it was another disappointment. Adding into that Aina also had to leave. Bangtan was also having their media interview and M&G session in a room of that hotel. We couldn't attend that one but that night while we were hanging around by the window, Yana caught a glimpse of what it seemed like people in an all-white attire walking together in a group through the hall that was few levels below us on the other side where we could obviously see them. Yana literally shrieked and called us! Sarah went to the window and she too saw them! At that time I was trying not to get convinced because not all people are lucky enough to see them liddat but I walked to the window as well. There I saw a person in all-white with his knee-length trousers. Faham-faham je lah. We literally stuck at the window. As time passes we took turns washing up and looking at the window. We also helped Yana making her vkook-jimin fan board and we facetime with Aina who reached home safely.
Last day, The Red Bullet Episode II concert day. Every second counts, Sarah searched up the last minute tickets and got herself one! Aina also gets to come to the concert with her aunty! That means all of us are going even though we're separated!! Me and Yana were truly happy for them!!! The concert venue were ridiculous. My legs were in pain. It was raining a little for a while. Hectic. We all met up. We got separated. Yana was in heaven HAHAHA her seat was freaking second row from front, Sarah was at the end right but in CAT2, me and Aina with her aunty in CAT3 - the most behind. I swear its far.Down below is what I managed to capture.

You can see it for yourself, effing far. Even Sarah told us her seat was far too. She showed a picture. It truly was. All of our dreams goes to Yana huhuhuhuhuhu. Urgh I wanted to snap a photo when the screen shows THE RED BULLET but ajdhfljdhflahfklajklad. MEH DON'T LET ME GET STARTED WITH EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED. IT WAS DOPE. IT WAS AWESOME. Of course ada yang tak best like people being selfish and greedy whatsoever but let's just focus on BANGTAN. We were so happy for Yana; her vkook fan board, was noticed by V himself and he went to drag Jungkook and they both stood in front of Yana literally pointing at her! WE ALL SAW THAT. THIS AIN'T NO LIE OK. *omggg the feeeeels* I just don't want to get overwhelmed and cry rn. Let Yana's photos does their job.

They performed almost all of my favourite songs but hey all of their songs are ma jams haha. The feelings were real, I feel connected to them even though it sounds hella ridiculous.I know they're just normal human beings. People say loving them is like a bad thing whatsoever. Taksub(idk if thats even the right spelling). Well I'm a normal human too and so are those people and so are Bangtan. I know they aren't muslims. I know what's gonna happen to them in the end. Yet it's not wrong for me to love them as they deserved. For only they in the indirect way, understands me and change my life. I can get emotional for them. It's not because they're handsome or sexy or all those points we set on our standards. Of course I don't deny those are usually the main points we'll ever seek first majority, but I adore them. I like it how they chose their dreams facing this twisted reality. I like it how their imperfects perfected them. I love their personalities even though I don't even know them 100%. Indirectly, they're always there when my life is upside down, when I need the pills to happiness, when my life is at its worst, when I just held all my tears in - they'll make all my tears flow. Its okay to cry. They'll bring me to my non existing Neverland. They're my lost boys. They're always there for me handling my moods. Their songs fits my mood. They describes me and my life. I can cry about them, I can get angry towards them, I can laugh at their silliness, I can be swayed by their voices. I can even get disappointed if I missed a single performance by them. They're basically my everything. It's hard to lay it out all. I'm sure its better for only me to keep it inside. Bangtan represents the youths to all of us who doesn't get to dream. Each and every song of theirs brings meaning and they either stings or touched me. I don't regret getting into K-Pop. That's just the beginning. Bangtan is K-HipHop. Don't worry, as much as I'm immersed, I don't worship. Of course people will usually misunderstood that. Say what you what. Idrc. Thank you Allah for creating them. Thank you Allah for making a page in my life where I can see them. Thank you Bangtan for existing. Thank you Bangtan for coming. I saw your sincere tears through the screens even though I'm very far behind. I'm sorry I couldn't cry on that day. My feels usually comes later when I'm alone. You've work hard and look how far you've got. I do wish you ain't as famous because I want to stan you for only myself but hahaha that's impossible. You guys deserve the limelight. I'm so grateful and thankful for what have occurred in my life. I want it all to replay. I want a better one next time. Hopefully, who knows I get to have conversations with you guys. I love you sincerely. You set my standards in men even higher. I hate you dorks so much I love you even more. Please appear in front of my eyes again.